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Health insurance in the Netherlands

20 september 2018
There are several reasons to move en settle in the Netherlands, for study purposes, for work or for the sake of love. Anyone who resides or works in the Netherlands is legally required to take out Dutch basic health insurance.

Mandatory health insurance
The healthcare system in the Netherlands is based on the principle of social solidarity. Every health insurer must accept anyone who applies for the mandatory healthcare insurance, also known as basic health insurance. There are however exceptions for students from abroad. Everyone over the age of 18 years pays a monthly premium for the mandatory health insurance. Besides the monthly premium, you need to pay the policy excess. This mandatory deductible concern healthcare costs that are not reimbursed. This checklist (PDF) will help you how to take out Dutch health insurance.

You will receive a letter from the CAK about your insurance obligation if you did not take out mandatory health insurance. Regardless of you received the letter incorrectly, you need to take action within 3 months. Otherwise you will receive a fine of € 386,49 (2018). You can download the appeal form from the website of the CAK (only in Dutch available). If you are doubting about your insurane obligation, you can contact te Sociale Verzekeringsbank to request for an investigation under the Wlz scheme.

Leaving the Netherlands?
Cancel your insurance if you are leaving Holland. Do not forget to degregister from you municipality and to forward your new postal adress.

Find answers to most frequentely asked questions regarding health insurance in the Netherlands.