Looking for a job after study, promotion or research
Orientation year (zoekjaar)
If you have graduated or obtained a PhD or performed scientific research in the Netherlands and you wish to find a job or start your own business here, you need a residence permit ‘orientation year highly educated persons’ (verblijfsvergunning zoekjaar). This permit allows you to stay in the Netherlands for one year. You can use this year to find a job or start a business. You are allowed to accept any (temporary) job or internship during this orientation year.
Health insurance during your orientation year
If you have gotten the residence permit ‘orientation year’ you are not required to take out Dutch health insurance if you have not found a job yet. You can use health insurance from your home country, an EHIC, or private international insurance.
However, if you start working (even part-time) you are obliged to take out Dutch public health insurance. You can pick any Dutch health insurance company you like and you must take out basic health insurance (basisverzekering). You are then also allowed to request health care benefit.
To see all conditions regarding this residence permit visit the IND website.